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Fabien Lemercier

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9297 articles available in total starting from 02/07/2002. Last article published on 10/06/2024.

North-Africa’s answer to Cannes

The second edition of FIFM – the International Film Festival of Marrakesh - is scheduled to open today, 18 September, and will run until 22 September. A galaxy of French stars that includes...  

18/09/2002 | Festivals | Morocco

Autumn with Blanche

Despite the recent fall in French film attendance, Bernie Bonvoisin’s new swashbuckling historical adventure, Blanche, has all the ingredients to attract audiences in their masses. A scheming...  

18/09/2002 | Films | France

Screenings Etc.

Exhibitors gather in Nice to see the latest films and discuss a number of important issues like the challenge of the multiplexes  

17/09/2002 | Exhibitors | France

Paris becomes one gigantic cinema

The Paris Film Festival is going ahead as planned in late March 2003 despite the fact that the municipal authorities have cut funding. The event is organised by film director Frédéric Mitterand...  

17/09/2002 | Festivals | France

Paris celebrates Zeffirelli’s Callas

Paris hosted the world premiere of Franco Zeffirelli's Callas Forever before a VIP audience, on the 25th anniversary of the legendary soprano’s death  

17/09/2002 | Films | Italy

The film world’s disappointment with the licence

The French government’s decision not to increase the television licence fee has disappointed audiovisual industry operators. The increase was requested by the French culture minister. The French...  

16/09/2002 | Audiovisual | France

Americans love French films

French films continue to do excellent business in America and their popularity amongst major north-American buyers at the recent Venice and Toronto film festivals only confirms that. In Venice,...  

16/09/2002 | Films | France

The CNC involves the Regions

The study about the funding of film productions, done by CNC following the request from the Cultural Ministry, reveals some secrets. According to the French weekly “Ecran Total”, which has managed...  

12/09/2002 | Funding | France

2 baby tigers looking for love

After The Bear, it’s the turn of the tigers. The French filmmaker Jean-Jacques Annaud will be starting shooting in Cambodia on his new feature filmTwo Brothers in October. The story tells the...  

12/09/2002 | Films | France

Less cinema in August

Après un été morose, la fréquentation rebondit dans le sillage des films français. Selon les dernières estimations du CNC, les entrées en salles ont atteint 13 millions au mois d’août 2002, soit...  

11/09/2002 | Theatres | France

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