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Ilias Konteas

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243 articles available in total starting from 13/06/2002. Last article published on 30/05/2003.

Elefantenherz released

Züli Aladag's latest film is a realistic coming-of-age story of a boxer, called Marko, played by Daniel Brühl, the star of German monster-hit, Goodbye, Lenin! and this year’s German Shooting Star....  

10/04/2003 | Films | Germany

Film piracy up in Germany

A study jointly commissioned by the German Federal Film (FFA) the German music industry shows that piracy increased alarmingly in 2002. The survey focused on private copying of films onto CDs and...  

09/04/2003 | Audiovisual | Germany

17 German films to Baires

Seventeen German films and international co-productions will be screened at the 5th Festival Internacional de Cine Independiente in Buenos Aires from 16 –26 April. The event is considered unique...  

09/04/2003 | Events | Germany

Ich Kinski at Austria’s Theater Museum

Fans of the eccentric German actor Klaus Kinski (1926-1992) can retrace the main steps of his career in a special exhibition that opens tonight, 8 April and will run until June 2003, at the...  

08/04/2003 | Events | Austria

Cinepoems in Thessaloniki

The Μacedonian Museum of Contemporary Art has organised an event entitled "Cinepoems: Silent movies & Live Music" in Thessaloniki from 8-10 April. As the title implies, live music will accompany...  

08/04/2003 | Events | Greece

Africa’s post-Oscar success

German WWII drama is 26th in US Top 100 and scores the weekend's highest US per-screen average $8609 for 33  

07/04/2003 | Films | Germany

Vienna Catalogue for film regulation

Andreas Mailath-Pokorny from the Vienna Culture City Council and Peter Zawrel, the director of the Vienna Film Fund, presented the Austrian Federal Government with a draft set of guidelines for a...  

04/04/2003 | Legislation | Austria

A proposal to relaunch cinema

Minister calls for more money for FFA, higher contributions from German TV and easier access to funding for producers  

04/04/2003 | Legislation | Germany

Industry reacts to TV production fund proposal

A proposal for the creation of a new support fund for television films included in a new revised draft of the Austrian Communications Authority Act (KommAustria Gesetz) was presented this week in...  

03/04/2003 | Legislation | Austria

FFA rewards industry

FFA gives top producers and distributors of German films Euros22.6m, one-third of which to Constantin  

02/04/2003 | Funding | Germany

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