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Funding / France

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317 articles available in total starting from 23/08/2002. Last article published on 19/06/2019.

CNC helps short films

The end-of-2002 report of the French National Film Centre, that was published on 31 January, included a detailed breakdown of the 177 short films that shared a total grant of Euros5.22m. The short...  

03/02/2003 | Funding | France

Home video tax hike for cinema

Speaking before a special reception at the Matignon Palace for French and international film and audiovisual industry operators taking part in the annual Meeting organised by Unifrance, French...  

21/01/2003 | Funding | France

CNC helps foreign films

The excellent performance in French theatres of Aki Kaurismaki’s The Man Without A Past, drew attention to the National Film Centre’s (CNC) Direct Help scheme. In 2002, Direct Help, which was...  

08/01/2003 | Funding | France

ARP’s proposals

On 12 December, ARP (the French writers, producers’ and directors’ association) presented a detailed set of proposals and an analysis of the imbalances that exist in the current way in which...  

17/12/2002 | Funding | France

Soficas in trouble

The dramatic announcement of the imminent closure of Gimages is just the tip of the iceberg as far as France’s Soficas are concerned. A survey published on 4 December in « Ecran Total » reveals...  

06/12/2002 | Funding | France

Gimages in danger

France’s film and audiovisual industry associations sounded the alarm bells on 3 December when it emerged that Sofica Gimages may well be on the verge of closing down. Created by the BNP-Paribas...  

04/12/2002 | Funding | France

Canal+ precises...

The head of French film acquisitions replies to charges that they've dropped their guard  

29/10/2002 | Funding | France

A new bank for cinema

A fourth financial institution, the Baecque Beau, opens a department specialised in the film and audiovisual sectors  

25/10/2002 | Funding | France

CNC budget grows

Over Euros 478 million earmarked for 2003 and France’s film heritage will be preserved for posterity  

24/10/2002 | Funding | France

EIB in support of ARTE

The European Investment Bank (BEI) announces a Euros5.5million loan to the ARTE television channel for expanding the technical and production facilities at its new headquarters in Strasbourg. The...  

21/10/2002 | Funding | France/Germany

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